June 6,2021.
Our Societal Systems are all in total decline! Nothing works anymore .. at least not for fairness, justice and equality. If Government Departments with huge budgets can't improve our "Quality of Life", how is a Police Officer supposed to solve the resultant trauma .. in a few seconds? .. WITHOUT EVEN ANY REAL TRAINING OR TOOLS!!
Let's give the mostly good Police a break .. we are asking the impossible of the good people in the "force" (BAD choice of title! "Force"? bad connotation of "good vs bad" control. Life traumas are not that SIMPLE! It is not just good/ bad, there are causes of misbehaviour. How about instead of Police FORCE, it is a "Police community?" allowing the local neighbourhood to actually be part of IMPROVING community quality of life .. vs a "Let's get the bad guy" closed mindset! ..a simple good/ bad Binary attitude has no place in policing. This is the first way to regain respect and trust. Never hire Left hemisphere or Warrior mentality personalities to "keep the peace".
Some Police are Control Freaks every day, treating us disrespectfully as we mind our business walking on the street. So we (even white women) start to judge them ALL badly. A good vs bad simple mind should NEVER be a police officer. They are there only to feel important, powerful and in control . . not to "keep thepeace". A study in Right / Left Brain Hemisphere Neuroscience must create a questionnaire to root these types out. Se Dr Iain McGilchrist's recent seminal works. This is how the problem is fixed TO BEGIN WITH! Then more training, plus Community connection with their specific neighbourhood like in Japan.
We must not judge all, by the behaviour of the "Chauvin's types." Think of the diverse tasks they have in one day .. from people acting strangely, to angry store owners with stolen goods, to abused wives, elderly dementia seniors, runaway kids, assaulted strangers .. the trauma never ends. How can they fix this when our Systems have failed us? There is no safety net and no justice system that works for us. For a Police officer to see this trauma day in and day out will either DESENSITIZE him or give him an emotional breakdown if he has a "heart" as Right brain people do.
PS if you are so small minded as to complain that I said "he" .. please go away! NOTHING disrespectful is meant by that. (She) in brackets will NOT stop REAL discrimination or disrespect. And ONLY small, closed minded people are making a fuss about stupid small things when we have HUGE PROBLEMS TO SOLVE .. with very little time to solve them!
Please choose a more worthy protest to focus on. Like where real harm is meant. "Diversity" can be a shallow pretence just to create DIVISION .. a sad wasted focus to fall for. At this point we better work as ONE .. together working for quality of life and fairness for ALL! (She/ he, him, they? is a NONSENSE DISTRACTION! OUR SHIP IS SINKNG! SO WAKE UP because we are ALL on it! Focusing on how we are all the SAME .. might be of more value?
The Tool Police need .. to help people in trauma .. is NOT A GUN! We lash out, or in (suicide) when we feel we have lost ALL control over our life. When things never work out for us, we get very frustrated. Supportive understanding, and a Tool to help uswill do far more good, than SEEING MORE LOSS OF PERSONAL CONTROL.
A Warrior Brain just fights but the opposite Worrier brain will not quickly protect himself. A Balance between "Think" vs "Act" Brain hemispheres is necessary for this career. New Neuroscience MUST BE UTILIZED in questionnaires to determine fit for a Policing career. If a person is like a Prosecution Lawyer, looking to prove you are bad (get bad guys off the street) .. we do NOT want them as police ANYWHERE.
It is not the Police who need to feel in control .. IT IS THE PEOPLE WHO CALLED, or who 911 was called ON! Their frustration with life, feeling they HAVE no control, is where the problem began. That is where the solution lies, NOT WITH A GUN AND MORE LOSS OF CONTROL.
Use the how to survive website as a "Gift of calm and control" tool
Career Development, and Production of ART TV will be sponsored by Corporations. This revenue creates a Health, Belonging, and Human Intelligence Trading Place.
With a 911 Tool, choosing the correct character, and more Trauma Training, the Police work becomes EASIER, less stressful with more satisfaction, and even fun.
Copyright © 2020 "How to SURVIVE .. even actually improve our quality of life" -
All Rights Reserved .. Hilary Burke, Revised May 11, 2021
You CAN take control and have more POWER in life